Stephen H., Untitled, 2021, acrylic on canvas. Based on the original photograph Lupton Hall and Car, ca. 1927, photographer unknown, Oglethorpe Construction Album, Collection of the Philip Weltner Library of Oglethorpe University
Sept. 24 – Dec. 19, 2021
“Heartbound Ministries: Art from the Inside” exhibits the significant, often over-looked talent of artists who are currently imprisoned. Approximately 60 works of art are on display, representing a wide range of artistic styles and mediums, from vibrant acrylic paintings to detailed ink portraits.
“This exhibit showcases the remarkable and often hidden talents of just a few of the more than 48,000 people who are serving time in Georgia prisons,” says HeartBound Ministries Founder, President and Oglethorpe University alumnus Andrea Shelton ’91, “It’s a rare opportunity to see a collection of prison art, and we are immensely grateful to Oglethorpe University for partnering with us to make this collection available to the public.”
The sale of these works of art benefits Heartbound’s “Little Readers” program, which allows children of incarcerated parents to see and hear their parent reading to them via DVD. “Art from the Inside” is the only annual exhibition of art by prisoners in the state of Georgia.
Lenders for this exhibit include more than 50 artists in partnership with Walker Faith and Character Based Prison and facilitated through a non-profit organization supporting Georgia’s inmates and prison staff. Heartbound’s mission is to provide programs and resources to meet the needs of the prison community — correctional staff, inmates and their families — changing the culture from one of crime and incarceration to hope and restoration.